Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I am officially the worst blogger ever

Ohmygod it's almost Thanksgiving and I haven't posted anything?!! What am I crazy? Why did I even start a blog you're asking.

And with a deep sigh I begin my long winded speech about how I keep imagining I'll have more time than I do and more energy -but I get bored even saying it all so I'll just stop there.

For now lets get the kid thing out of the way. Here is Tully. The picture would be in focus if
she ever stopped moving she's constantly on the go now.

And here is Felix. I have to take some new pictures of his haircut. But I'll put the empty promise out there that I'll take new pictures tommorow but it sounds cheap and hollow doesn't it? We'll see what I can manage. This is the blog of low expectations.

And here is Eihmear. Missing her two fron teeth up at the farm. Well she's always missing her front teeth now but the picture is up at the farm.

So my one big goal for the weekend is to buy a big piece of black velvet and take shots of the paintings because I'm playing with the idea of printing photos of them and trying to sell as prints. Eric was nice enough to buy a new printer scanner for my birthday, so anything is possible. Barring plague or famine. Speaking of which I think there's a dinner I'm supposed to be cooking right now so stay tuned for a month or so. No really I'll be back in a day or two. Okay three. I'll also try and figure how to put pictures in better. Bare with me. or Bear with me. Whichever you prefer.